Syria Shrine Sons of Veterans
In 2019 the Sons of Veterans has begun as a new unit within Syria Shrine.
The unit is called the Sons of Veterans and is open to all Shriners who have a parent or grandparent who served in the military. The Sons of Veterans Unit has elected their officers and voted on their Bylaws at a July 8, 2019 meeting.

Our purpose is to promote Americanism, Patriotism within the community and assist our disabled veterans in any way that the unit may be able to do so. The duties and objectives are still being discussed including uniforms and exactly where they will fit in as far as our Legion of Honor is concerned.
Currently the S.O.V. has monthly meetings in the unit meeting room of the Syria Shrine on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm.
We are working on a few annual events to participate in that are in line with what our unit represents like Veterans Day as an example.
If any of our Shiners are interested in joining the S.O.V., please contact our Commander or Captain for details. The requirement for membership is that you must be a Shriner and have either a grandparent or parent that is a veteran of the U.S. Armed forces. Proof of their service in also needed.
Please contact,
Ray Petronio – President Cell # (412) 818-2848
Ray Pfister - Sec/Treas Cell# (412) 977-6239 sovsecretary (at)