Syria Shriners Gun Club
Organized November 1955 – “Shooting…. A Noble Sport” – AAONMS
Currently the Gun Club has four business meetings a year, January, April, July, and November. Meetings are traditionally held on the fourth Saturday of the month at a local Sportsmen’s Club in the Pittsburgh region. Meetings are followed by trap shooting, consisting of singles, doubles, and handicap events. In addition, a Shrine Gun Club sponsored BIG 50 singles event is held at a local Sportsmen’s Club each month, February through November. Scores from these shoots may be entered into participants ATA (American Trap Association) record.
In late summer, we shoot in competition against the Rajah (Reading) and Boumi (Baltimore) Shrine Gun Clubs with the host club rotating each year. A Tri-Shrine trophy is awarded to the winning Shrine Gun Club. Also, individual winners and runners-up are awarded trophies for each of the events in which they participate. The occasion is informal and Shrine fellowship is the order of the day.
All meetings and shoots include the company our Ladies, some of whom shoot with us.
Dues are a modest $10.00/ year with membership in the Shrine being a requirement. Guests, especially Masonic guests, are always welcome to shoot with us.
During the year, our members conduct various raffles and other fund-raisers to raise significant funds for the “Shrine Hospitals for Children” in Erie, Philadelphia, and the Ohio Burns Center in Dayton. This effort is the major reason for our being, as we have fun and enjoy the sport and fellowship. We hope you will join us.

Our major events for the year include:
- A late summer/fall trap competition with the Boumi (Baltimore) and Rajah (Reading) Shrine Gun Clubs Trophies and awards are presented at a reception and banquet following shooting competition.
- Many of our club’s shooters compete at the annual PSSA (Pennsylvania State Shotgunning Association) competition in Elysburg, PA in June. We hold a two-day 50/50 Raffle during the competition where we typically raise over $3,000 for the “Shrine Hospitals for Children” in Pennsylvania and Ohio.
- We also conduct an annual gun raffle as part of our participation in the Syria Shriners Sportsman’s Bash held in June, which is a Fraternal Charity, and usually raises another $3,000.

Shooting skills require knowledge and practice of safe handling and use of a shotgun, usually 12-gauge. Shooters of all levels of proficiency are welcome and coaching is always available.
Prospective Gun Club members may click on the icon below for more information and Gun Club Application: