Syria Shrine Golf Club
The Club was formed to bring Syria and Friends together once a month to play golf course throughout the Syria Shrine Oasis.
Syria Shrine Golf Club formed in the year of 2015 when the Illustrious Sir Robert W. Herbert was the Potentate. The purpose is to create new friendships among those that have an interest in the game of golf.

Our 2022 Members Choice schedule is:
April 28 Manor Valley Golf Club
May 26 Cedarbrook Golf Club
June 30 Saxon Golf Course
July 14 Reserve Run Golf Club
July 28 Syria Shrine Golf Outing Westmoreland Country Club
August 26 Fox Run Golf Club
September 29 Latrobe Elks Golf Club
October 13 Lake Arthur Golf Club (includes Annual Meeting and dinner)
The club was formed by three individuals who were interested in creating fellowship, and comradery with other Nobles of the same interest. So much interest was garnered that we started out with approximately 50 active members.
The first President of the Syria Shrine Golf Club was Eric Hitchcock, 2nd Vice President was Robert L. Plata, and the 3rd Vice President was J. Michael Aaron, P.P. Illustrious Sir Aaron had the experience and know-how to form the club. Mike had created a similar golf club at the Crescent Shrine Temple in New Jersey, where Mike is a Past Potentate.
Starting in April 2015, the club began playing golf. The club travels to as many different golf courses during that time as we are able. In October, we have a banquet at the last course we play.
Golf Club will meet last Thursday of each month starting in April through September. The final outing is held in October with a small banquet and election of new officers.
Thinking about joining?
We are looking for golfers at all skill levels to join in the fun at playing golf courses throughout the Oasis. The golf format is a shamble event. Each foursome will play the best drive within the group and then play their own ball after the drive. Scores are not counted, but prizes are awarded for closest to the pins on par 3s and the greatest number of putts longer than the flag stick.