Page 5 - VOS-2018-DEC-opti
P. 5

Potentate      Chief Rabban         Assistant      HighPriest &     Oriental Guide     Treasurer         Recorder
         William E.         William L.         Rabban           Prophet.          Terry N.        David J.         George W.
        Branthoover           Weiss           Donald J.         Donald I.        Steinheiser     Gardy, P.P.    Polnar, 330, P.P.
                                                Taylor            Green

                                        POTENTATE’S MESSSAGE...

             As the year 2018 quickly winds down                      children we serve must always be at our core
           and comes to a close, I thank all those                    so that our beloved fraternity may always
           Clubs, Units, Caravans, and Nobles who                     flourish.
           have supported me throughout this 2018                       Lady Linda and I will now return to serving
           year. Your dedication and support to Syria                 and dedicating our time to those in our family,
           Shrine and to the Children we serve, has                   church, our business and other Masonic and
           been truly amazing this past year.                         Shrine bodies where we are involved. Always
             I thank all of the nobility for the                      remember to “Keep Groovin’ for our Kids.”
           opportunity and privilege to serve as your                   Hopefully you will consider taking an

           potentate in the year 2018. I wish all the                 active role in Syria endeavors in the future.
           best for the future of Syria Shrine and its                We hope to see you around our wonderful
           leadership in the years ahead. Although we                 oasis in the years ahead.
           may have different views concerning the                    Farewell!
           ways we can best serve Syria Shrine, I
           believe the welfare of the temple and the

                                           GIGANTIC CAR RAFFLE 2018

                                        GRAND PRIZE WINNER - # A 7976

                                                     Shelby Cobra Kit Car

    The Voice of Syria  December 2018                                                                                                5
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